This week the guys start their coverage of the first season of Disney Plus’s iconic space western starring the bounty hunter who’s a way better character than Boba Fett dreamed he could be as they discuss their current favorite pastime, James invites not one but two more restraining orders and Rob screams about his love for Tex-Mex when they review episodes one and two of season one of The Mandalorian.
Movie Theaters Closing – https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2020/10/04/james-bond-pushback-prompts-regal-owner-consider-closing-theaters/3616564001/
Mars Lakes – https://www.sciencealert.com/multiple-underground-lakes-of-liquid-water-have-been-found-on-mars
Jamie Fox Electro – https://mcucosmic.com/2020/10/01/jamie-foxx-will-return-as-electro-in-spider-man-3/
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