Month: February 2021

Ep.148 – Ep. 148 – Mad Max (1979)

This week the guys head to the land down under where James and Rob question this film’s sci-fi street cred, Jason defends a movie he can’t stand and James makes a shocking award pick as they review the film that kicked off the road racing in a post-apocalyptic future genre, it’s 1979’s Mad Max. Cloned…

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Ep.147 – Ep. 147 – Independence Day (1996)

This week the guys kick the tires and light the fires as they learn even more about Rob than they ever needed to know, James gives a rare, but heartfelt compliment, and Jason about dies as they review 1996’s sci-fi summer blockbuster, Independence Day. Pacific Rim: The Black – Alpha Centauri Exo-planet –…

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Ep.146 – Ep. 146 – Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1994)

This week the guys discuss the strange mating rituals of the Swiss, James regales everyone with tales of waking up in strange places and Rob reveals a secret obsession that Jason and James wishes he had kept to himself as they review the movie based on the original modern sci-fi tale, it’s 1994’s Mary Shelley’s…

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Ep.145 – Ep. 145 – Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

This week James obsesses over sweater puppies, Rob confesses his secret love for stimulants and Jason shows restraint from constantly gushing over Jeff Goldblum as they review the movie that gave pop culture the term pod person, it’s 1978’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Buck Rogers – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Debris Show…

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